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For every action in the universe, there will always be a reciprocating event, and for this game there is no exception. Each time a card is played during a player's main phase, an event card must be revealed, with its effects hitting everyone on the board. Events can be divided into Short-Term Events, which leave play at the end of the turn they appear in, or Historical Events which remain in play long after the turn they appeared in has passed.

Short-Term Events:

Competition Watchdog

Any player who has the greatest number of investments grouped in a single industry must choose and place an investment that he/she owns back on top of the Main Board Deck. He/she must repeat this process until the number of assets that he/she controls is equal to that of the player that had the 2nd largest number of investments prior to this Event appearing. The player gains +2 REP and +10 PF per each investment lost in this way.

Long-Term Events:


Each player may either draw, play, or cycle up to 3 Main Board cards instead of 1 during each turn. Each card expended in this manner triggers 1 event.